Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - "Ekphrasis"

A metal girl stands alone in a garden,
and her head tilts to the wonders of the natural world.
She cannot move, for she has no feet.
Her dress is set in the ground.
So she stands there, waiting,
for nature to come to her.
Rain, snow, storms, and hail.
If it weren't for the little birds that come every year,
to bring her joy and understanding of life. 
The little metal girl would have stood there hopeless,
awaiting the day she would go back to the ground.
But the birds do come.
They make her happy.
She wants to fly with them, become one with them.
So she brings food for them, to make them happy.
She cannot move, but she knows how big the world is.
But the garden is where she will be,
and will ever want to be.
she dreams of being made flesh and blood.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20 - "Emotions"

What do emotions fight about? it's obvious really, almost anything that changes a person's life, bad or good. In the case of a little girl, it is complicated and uncertain.

Joy wants her to be happy and be optimistic about new situations.
Fear believes she should be afraid of the new surroundings
Anger wants her to be mad about getting taken away from her old life
Sadness lets the girl mope around in her room.
Disgust wants her to dislike the new kids for their disgusting habits.

Right now these voices are arguing about the new school. Joy is saying to everyone that this will be exciting! Anger hated that remark and pushed for the girl to stomp around the classes. Fear said that the girl would get in trouble for doing that. Sadness misses the girl's old friends. Disgust found out that there was a kid who ate paper.

They finally settled this by letting Joy take control, even though Anger was mad about it, Fear was afraid of it, and so on.
So the little girl was optimistic about her school day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18 - "Treason and Historical Fiction"

In a far away land called Robindo, There was a large trading company set up by the humans. These humans set up the native robots as guards to maintain and defend the company. They thought it was great, for a while.

The native robots became concerned that the humans were bringing their religion to Robindo, and that they planned to reprogram the robots to follow the humans' religion. They also felt that the humans were losing touch with the robots. There was a new policy made by the humans to take control of a Robindan state when a master machine broke down without a replacement.

What really broke the last straw was when the native Robindans figured out the new method of how the humans cleaned laser guns. They used pig fat! This was really offensive to the native robots because pigs were considered unclean animals.

This was the beginning of a rebellion.

It was a bloody and oily massacre the robots took over the humans and killed the officers. The guard bots, however, had rules under these humans and did not want to kill them. So butcher bots were hired from the markets to kill all humans. Hundreds of men, women, and children were brutally killed.

This did not last long before the humans began to overpower the robots again. Robindo was back under human control, and anyone who still wanted to rebel was killed in the most horrific way possible. The Robindans would be dismantled and scrapped, to go to a metal recycling plant.

The rebellion caused the humans to dissolve the company, and the humans now had direct control over Robindo.

The (Horrible) End.     

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - "Found Poem"

Slow, stone hands looked out of shape and bent.
A gray-black cowboy slipped over his eyes.
Standing before us, he said in a voice that I could barely hear.
"Give it your best."
We got at it, but all the shots broke up.
Glued to time; right in front of a kid.
What was it?
I was determined to beat the man.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted it.
My finish was fantastic,
and I was grinning for the first time all day.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14 - "Berlin Wall"

There were so many things that the people from the other side never took for granted. My brother for example, had never seen so many new things on his side before the wall was torn down. In fact, His side of the wall was misery without me, and it was misery for me without him, because I couldn't bear to have him away. People have died trying to get over.

But the wall is gone now, we chipped it away and knocked it over piece by piece. I can't believe how much taller he has grown. It makes me feel short. After twenty years, people who had been separated unite with their loved ones, as in my case. The people from the east side flood in. They have never even seen a fresh fruit such as an orange!

The Berlin wall is gone, the barriers between us are broken. We are united again.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13 - "Macabre art"

Painful suffering, crowded and noisy.
Starvation thrives in the wet, cold world.
They look at the lights above for hope,
Men, women, and children, abused.
Never to see their home again.
Barely fed, continuous pain.
Trauma flows in their time.

The deadly fog is closing in.

With darkness falling fast, the night growing cold.
They think of their star; millions of years old.
That was struck down the way the people were.

A new star is born.
Death to the hated.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - "The Haunted house"

The house in the forest should not be entered. The door is scarred with marks of a thousand white daggers. Like lions, the creatures there easily crush the bones of their victims.

A few weeks ago, a man of twenty five entered this house, to discover the treasures hidden within the walls. Despite the stories he has heard, this man was eager to get out with precious worldly objects. He searched the hallways and rooms, and found nothing.

He thought he was going mad when a dark, slithering figure rose upon him like a cobra, while hearing the strangest of footsteps. The beast with a thousand white daggers had found him in the topmost floor.  It looked like a woman, but she was nothing like a woman. For the beast had large, hawk like eyes, and a gaping mouth like that of a crocodile.

 The creature sent her minions, minions that could be confused for wolf and dragon hybrids, a truly foul pack of them too. Their white fur and long, wispy tails could be confused for clouds in the night. but the thousand white daggers were not something to be messed with.

 Soon the man was devoured, the daggers soaked; drenched, in the blood of their victim.
The beast headed back to the attic, awaiting another poor soul to enter.
There was no treasure after all, except for the money left from a loved one's death.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - "Ooh, That's Creepy!"

Tick tock, tick tock.
Like the beating of someone's heart, the clock will eventually die.
There was a man of old age, making watches by hand;
fascinated by the concept of time.
But he didn't enjoy making watches.
Tick tock, tick tock. Someone appeared in his room;
silently slithering across the floor like a serpent preying on a rat.
The old man continued his work.
Suddenly, the watch slipped out of the old man's grasp, and dropped to the floor.
Trinkets and parts scattered about as it broke, never to be repaired,
because the old man fell from his chair.
Silently the someone, who was now looking over the chair, takes the old man by the hand,
and leads him away from his watch making room.
Tick tock, then the clock stopped.
Like a heartbeat slowly fading,
The watchmaker's time had died.