Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - "Ooh, That's Creepy!"

Tick tock, tick tock.
Like the beating of someone's heart, the clock will eventually die.
There was a man of old age, making watches by hand;
fascinated by the concept of time.
But he didn't enjoy making watches.
Tick tock, tick tock. Someone appeared in his room;
silently slithering across the floor like a serpent preying on a rat.
The old man continued his work.
Suddenly, the watch slipped out of the old man's grasp, and dropped to the floor.
Trinkets and parts scattered about as it broke, never to be repaired,
because the old man fell from his chair.
Silently the someone, who was now looking over the chair, takes the old man by the hand,
and leads him away from his watch making room.
Tick tock, then the clock stopped.
Like a heartbeat slowly fading,
The watchmaker's time had died.


  1. Kind of reminded me of Tell Tell Heart by Poe... kind of; I mean the elements used like death, a clock ticking, heart, old man. Those were similar.
