Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday, Halloween - "The Bard's Ghost"

During the day, Zekku the bard would play his lute as the bartender serves the commoners. Zekku was not liked that much because he just so happened to be a dragon, A type of dragon that walks upon its hind legs. He was often ordered to squish the insects that infested the tavern, and Zekku did not like that.
It was night time, and Zekku the dragon rose from his seat to polish the tables. But where was everyone? He looked around, and everyone seemed to have vanished.
“Hello?” Zekku called out as he paced around the room.
Just then, as Zekku was pacing, he felt something trip him over! But there was nobody around. He got back up to his clawed feet, dusting himself off. Then he heard a faint chuckle.
“Who is there?” Zekku called angrily. Spreading his wings and getting ready to fly up to the rafters, he leaped, but something pushed him down.
Zekku then remembered the tavern is haunted.
“I know you are there, ghost! Show yourself!”
The ghost appeared in front of Zekku, with a big, mischievous grin.
“Hello Zekku, I was the one who broke your lute strings a week ago! I am Charlie, prankster ghost of this tavern! Do you wish to join me?”
Zekku thought about it a bit. He hated squishing the insects and cleaning the floors. He only wanted to play his music in peace.
“I will do it.” Zekku agreed.
So the next day, Zekku was hiding up near the ceiling, getting ready to prank. He took his cup of hot water, and poured it on the bartender, drop by drop.
“Is there a leak in our roof?” The bartender wondered. He looked outside to see there was no rain. And the roof was in good condition.
Zekku then poured all of the hot water on the bartender, While Charlie the ghost handed Zekku more water. The bartender was furious. So Zekku took Charlie’s ghostly hand and they flew straight through the ceiling!
 It was all tricks and no treat for the workers at the tavern.
They kept doing this without being caught once. And they cheesily flew off into the sunset.

Happy Halloween.

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