Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10 - "Pet Peeve"

One day there was this person doing her job and she comes across a billboard sign that states "Their here! Get the new hot dog burger today!". She was furious! Why can't people learn how to use the grammar they were taught properly? So she called the guys who made the ads to tear it down and redo the whole thing the right way. "Their is possessive!" She nagged the sign makers. "Can't you tell the difference between they're and their?"

So the sign makers remade the ad, but this time they used "T-h-e-r-e". The young lady didn't get to see the mistake, because she was late for work. I bet you that when she came back, she taught those ad makers a lesson, in the form of... Lessons.

Well, it's a wonder how the lady didn't become a grammar teacher.

The End

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