Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - "Rain"

The day the earth stood soggy.

Log number 213, It has been raining more than usual these past few minutes, but I know it will make all the difference to life and death of humankind. We beat a world record of rainfall today, well past the rainfall of Noah's time. but it strangely isn't flooding the earth. It is, however, making the ground very soggy and unable to be walked on. Soon our roads will go under the dirt, then the parking lots, then our homes! If only the captain of the last ship on earth would let me on.

Log number 237, I am sinking into the mud, not much time now until the whole earth is completely muddy. I have also figured out why the rain continues on and on. The aliens of a faraway planet were dissatisfied with our behavior, and have made rain clouds cover the earth for eternity.
I need to find a way to escape this- blrblblrblblrblblrbl.....

Log number 473, I have been rescued by the last ship to have left Earth. They came back to save me. Also, I miscounted the log number, it should have been 238.

Log number 240, I was dropped off on a nice, dry planet. I will be much happier here. The ship left, but the crew said they would be back for me later. Now if only I could find some water..

Log number... I can't keep track. It hasn't rained at all! now I believe I must die here. Good rain, I miss you.


  1. I love the idea of the "logs". This was a really great story to hear from the main character's view.

  2. I really liked all of the twists in the story and how you could feel the main character's annoyance and feelings throughout the story. Overall, this was very good and I don't see anything that I would change.
