Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - "The Haunted house"

The house in the forest should not be entered. The door is scarred with marks of a thousand white daggers. Like lions, the creatures there easily crush the bones of their victims.

A few weeks ago, a man of twenty five entered this house, to discover the treasures hidden within the walls. Despite the stories he has heard, this man was eager to get out with precious worldly objects. He searched the hallways and rooms, and found nothing.

He thought he was going mad when a dark, slithering figure rose upon him like a cobra, while hearing the strangest of footsteps. The beast with a thousand white daggers had found him in the topmost floor.  It looked like a woman, but she was nothing like a woman. For the beast had large, hawk like eyes, and a gaping mouth like that of a crocodile.

 The creature sent her minions, minions that could be confused for wolf and dragon hybrids, a truly foul pack of them too. Their white fur and long, wispy tails could be confused for clouds in the night. but the thousand white daggers were not something to be messed with.

 Soon the man was devoured, the daggers soaked; drenched, in the blood of their victim.
The beast headed back to the attic, awaiting another poor soul to enter.
There was no treasure after all, except for the money left from a loved one's death.


  1. This was a very chilling and creepy story, I like the ending the best when you explain the treasure. Good Job!

  2. It was very descriptive. I love the sentence, "Their white fur and long, wispy tails could be confused for clouds in the night", OOH!

  3. Very good Josie. Your descriptions are always the strong points of your stories. You do a great job with descriptive language and imagery.
