Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14 - "Berlin Wall"

There were so many things that the people from the other side never took for granted. My brother for example, had never seen so many new things on his side before the wall was torn down. In fact, His side of the wall was misery without me, and it was misery for me without him, because I couldn't bear to have him away. People have died trying to get over.

But the wall is gone now, we chipped it away and knocked it over piece by piece. I can't believe how much taller he has grown. It makes me feel short. After twenty years, people who had been separated unite with their loved ones, as in my case. The people from the east side flood in. They have never even seen a fresh fruit such as an orange!

The Berlin wall is gone, the barriers between us are broken. We are united again.

1 comment:

  1. And once more Josie E. completely plagiarizes a blog post from Josie E. Does this blogger have any sort of conscious? Does she not understand that because she stole from Josie E., her legacy as a movie star working with Nicolas Cage is gone? For shame Josie E. from stealing from Josie E., for shame.
