Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - "Big Mistake"

One day in school, there was a girl named Clara, and she was mad. It was during math class in the eighth grade. Everyone was stressing her out, and she snapped. Threats went flying, insults were all over the place, even a few swears fell out of Clara's mouth. This was a BIG mistake. The teacher called her parents, and she lost all internet privileges, and what's worse was that she had a whole day of in school suspension! Clara had to be bored the entire day. She sat there, thinking about what happened, and about all of the make-up work in front of her. She would daydream about what she would do when her punishment was over with, and thought about how to prevent this from happening again.

Clara is a good girl, even though she procrastinates, has a short temper, and a history of lying, bad grades, and other things like that. She knows now not to let it happen again.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - "Personal Quality"

I would believe the best quality I have would be my intelligence. I can help people with their studies, and help them get better grades in the long run, even though I cannot explain too well, I try to help my friends understand by using smaller words. The only thing I am not that good at is Mathematics, but Science is my strong point. I can tell you all the birds I know, and what flint rocks look like. I can tell you how many protons make up a carbon atom. Sometimes, it is not that great to be as smart as me, my intelligence ironically derives from my autism. It makes me socially awkward. I don't get along with many people my age, but tend to be best friends with adults, and many people older than me. Being smart helps people in the long run, I like to help other people because I feel it will help me make friends and do some good.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - "Strange Fruit"

That fruit you see over there, my friend, is known as a dragonfruit. It smells like flaming breath, and tastes like the divine flavor of vanilla ice cream. You can even see so by looking at the inside! It is grown in a place where people believe the dragons have blessed that land for growing their delicious fruit, a land where dragons and humans coexist! This place, named Kawikarunikai, is found nowhere on this earth, for it is lost, somewhere between Florida and the Bahamas. There used to be several kinds of dragonfruit. There was mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, peanut butter, chocolate, and even rocky road! The only one that made it to this day was the vanilla, but it goes great with chocolate syrup, or anything else that tastes good with vanilla. The dragons told these people to take good care of the flavor. But humans are humans. Based off of this fiery scented luxury food after it was lost, we began using milk, and flavoring from the remaining fruits, salt, and ice, to make something that tasted just like the kind they had before! Kids and adults all around the world are enjoying this new dessert, but never gave thanks to the dragons. Long forgotten, the dragonfruit was cursed to taste like any regular fruit, and now nobody eats it, because the dragons also raised the price tags in all the American stores. The short story of the overly priced dragonfruit, is now the epic tale of what it was, and should be again.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - "What the deuce?"

The lady in red is the only beautiful figure in the picture, I believe the story behind the painting La Mariee is about some lady who felt she was surrounded by a bunch of weirdos. They try to be her friend, but she looks away, facing toward us while the rest see her beauty. She thinks the violin player looks like a goat faced freak, and yet others like mindless animals, like fish and chickens. There is still one who wanders around, trying to make her even better looking, handing her white flowers and admiring the red cloak as she faces out of her blue, two-dimensional world. The striking colored woman is probably looking at us, because she wants to know what it is like to have a normal life.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11 - "Music Critic"

The song "Pumped up Kicks" is a great song because it makes auto tune sound better, the lyrics and melody match and make everything sound amazing. I liked the part of the bridge where there was whistling, it sounded happy, but the song sounds like its about someone about to shoot somebody.
The background music ties in with the melody to make the song sound happy and yet somewhat annoyed at the same time. The synthesizers made the song have more "spunk".

Overall I give the song 4.5 stars, because there does need to be a little more melody at the beginning. The beginning sounded more boring than the rest.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - "Film Review"

Hugo was an interesting movie, about a kid who hangs from a clock thinking about what the older man said to him about avoiding scary sideways faces. This kid falls from the clock once it hit 6:00, and encounters a scary sideways face speaking in the sideways language of the left handed weasel. He must face his fears and run back to his friend, the older man, and ask him how to get rid of them.
He finds a way to destroy them by standing on one leg, right hand on left elbow, raising his left hand up and making bird sounds. They get destroyed and he runs back to the castle in the upper left where the super thin crescent moon rises.

I give the story 4 stars, because it was so bad, that it was hilarious!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - "America, Fairyville?"

Once upon a time, which is actually more like today, There was a fairy named Felicia.
Felicia was loved by children all over the city, but hunted by adults, who wanted to prove fairies exist. she would tell the children, "Hey kids! Get yourselves over here and hide me from your parents!" The kids obeyed, because if they did they will get rewarded, usually with some magic dust that will grant whatever wish they wished if they threw it on their faces, it would burn they eyes, but hey! The kids get what they want!

One day, Felicia ran into a teenager at his school, he sorta freaked out, but since teenagers were not adults or children, Felicia didn't know what to do. She took out a big, chocolate chip cookie from her infinite bottomless bag of magic, and handed it to the tall, lanky teen. They became best friends, but then, as he was driving home from school, they got into a car wreck. Felicia the fairy used her magic dust to wish the teenage boy healed, as she was healing her friend, the police came and saw her in the back seat, a small creature with wings. The cops were also fairy hunters part time, so they handcuffed her so that she couldn't throw magic dust on her face and wish herself free.

Felicia was in a small, fairy proof bird cage, but guess who came to her rescue? the children, who got her message from her tiny cell phone. Kids flooded in to the police station, and took the bird cage, and Felicia with it, and handed her over to the teenage boy, they all got one wish, the teen wished for two more wishes of course, he got himself a pretty girl and another one of those tasty magic cookies,
and the children wished that Felicia would never get caught again, because kids are nice.

That wish just made her invisible though, nobody can see fairies if they physically cannot be seen. If you happen to come across a tiny cell phone though, that's Felicia's, she lost it in the police station. Felicia will be happy to pick it up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5 - "Aliens in Egypt"

1323 BC, in the land of ancient Egypt, mysterious things were happening.
It was the final year which King Tut ruled. The Pharaoh heard a voice in his head, of what the Ancient Egyptians interpreted as the god Amun, whom Tut restored worship of. They couldn't be more wrong. The aliens from a far away star have come to tell Tut that he would soon die, because they have been watching.
Tut was a young king, he was Pharaoh for around 10 years now, and started his reign at age 9. Too young to die, but it did happen. The aliens were the only ones to truly know how he died, but they told me. Tut's workers were finishing a restoration project, and the young Pharaoh went to see it up close. he tripped and fell, breaking his left leg. It got infected and he died. The aliens told him, but he was not cautious enough.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - "Historical Accuracy"

New York, 1932, in a time when the world was in an economic depression. The just completed Empire State building was seen by all, and what else was seen faded away from history... Until now.
back in 1932, unemployment was high, many lived in their cars, and gasoline costs 10 cents. A regular sad day. It was too quiet, people were hovering over the radio, listening to the news. A tall red being was spotted on top of the Empire State building just a few minutes ago, they believe it was from Mars. People began to panic, running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off. They would then hide, in the old vehicles and in the buildings, as they tuned in to the radio to hear its every move. The tall and slender creature has long arms with two sharp claws on each hand, long legs, mars-red scales, and pitch black eyes. That was what one of the witnesses saw. They could only stop and watch as it crawled in front of the buildings where they hid. Sniffing the air twice, the alien then left, and never came back. Leaving no trace, it was soon forgotten.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3 - "Article"

Californarnia becomes the first state to ban plastic bags.

In Californarnia, there was one question asked by all traders, and there was always an issue with it. “Paper or plastic?”. That will no longer be an issue in Californarnia, because they soon plan to burn all plastic bags they find.


On Friday, a bill was passed by the head wizards to burn all plastic bags with fireballs and dragon fire. They could no longer be seen at apothecaries, trader’s markets, or liquor stores, or the wizards will come with trained dragons and burn the stores. Many of the towns and cities in Californarnia have already banned plastic bags, including San Franangeles, Los Cisco, and Seattle.

The wizards will become “Plastic burners” beginning July 1, 15. And will create new jobs for dragons, who are hoarding gold because of their unemployment. In saying that, Californarnia is an expensive place, and getting rid of plastic bags will only improve the economy, because there will be no more taxes on plastic bags.


Many people support the ban on plastic in Californarnia. Including the UFCW, or The United Fairies of Californarnia Workers. They believe the gold should be used for training workers and provide homes for fairies all over Californarnia, instead of being spent on plastic.

The elves also approve of this ban, they say it is dangerous to their environment and it’s killing off the animals that call their forest home. They also say that the dwarves litter too many plastic bags.

Taking the point of view of the dwarves, they said they didn’t care about a ban on plastic bags, because they say they are neutral on the subject, their viewpoint doesn’t matter anyway.


Burning of plastic bags in Californarnia begins on July 1, 15.