Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - "Big Mistake"

One day in school, there was a girl named Clara, and she was mad. It was during math class in the eighth grade. Everyone was stressing her out, and she snapped. Threats went flying, insults were all over the place, even a few swears fell out of Clara's mouth. This was a BIG mistake. The teacher called her parents, and she lost all internet privileges, and what's worse was that she had a whole day of in school suspension! Clara had to be bored the entire day. She sat there, thinking about what happened, and about all of the make-up work in front of her. She would daydream about what she would do when her punishment was over with, and thought about how to prevent this from happening again.

Clara is a good girl, even though she procrastinates, has a short temper, and a history of lying, bad grades, and other things like that. She knows now not to let it happen again.

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