Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - "Historical Accuracy"

New York, 1932, in a time when the world was in an economic depression. The just completed Empire State building was seen by all, and what else was seen faded away from history... Until now.
back in 1932, unemployment was high, many lived in their cars, and gasoline costs 10 cents. A regular sad day. It was too quiet, people were hovering over the radio, listening to the news. A tall red being was spotted on top of the Empire State building just a few minutes ago, they believe it was from Mars. People began to panic, running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off. They would then hide, in the old vehicles and in the buildings, as they tuned in to the radio to hear its every move. The tall and slender creature has long arms with two sharp claws on each hand, long legs, mars-red scales, and pitch black eyes. That was what one of the witnesses saw. They could only stop and watch as it crawled in front of the buildings where they hid. Sniffing the air twice, the alien then left, and never came back. Leaving no trace, it was soon forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. This was very descriptive I could see the alien before I even saw the picture (the picture helped imagine the story as well). It would have been nice to read a longer version of the story because it was so interesting.
