Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29- "Two Moons"

Two moons were in the sky, and the researchers on the submarine got sight of them. It was told that there was a world where bad things happened when two moons were out. No land in sight, the stars were dim and unrecognizable. Was this the forgotten planet of the Attai? They soon found out.
In the language of the inhabitants of this strange new world, "Attai" means "beautiful", it was anything but. For the nights seem to go on forever, and they almost do. Each night on Attai is seventy-three days long, and it gets cold and harsh. Worst of all, the smaller moon is cursed with death to all who look upon it. One of the lead researchers gazed at the smaller moon, trying to make out the craters and mountains, his eyes rolled back, and he struggled for air. He was dead within the minute.

It was minus 20 degrees and dropping, the food supply was running low on their submarine, and everyone on board began to go insane. At an attempt to survive, some sacrificed themselves to the second moon, others tried to eat themselves, and others tried to hoard the rest of the food.

All the water on Attai is fresh, bad news for submariners. The top of the water was rapidly freezing down. They had to surface fast, or run out of air. The ice was thick, but they managed. Even though they managed to do this in around an hour, four days later.. and they would all become victims of the two moons; buried in an icy sea.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - "Space, 2199"

December 31, 2199, our galaxy as we know it is coming to an end. The Milky Way is collapsing upon itself by its own super massive black hole. It is up to the last two humans in the universe to stop it. IF, they can get along. Nora, the super brilliant scientist, has studied galaxies for seven years now, and she has discovered only a few things about super massive black holes. she will need help from her partner Hank, who doesn't really care either way, he just wants to do his own thing.


They travel to the nearby Andromeda galaxy, home of the highly intelligent, immortal, tall, and stunningly beautiful space elves. As they came to a stop at Aniuel, one of the homeworlds of the Space elves, Hank spotted something, He yelled at the top of his lungs. Nora came toward the yelling, only to find that he beat himself at chess, and lost. Nora ignored it afterward, and went to communicate with the residents of Ainuel for answers on how to save the Milky Way.

“The only way to save your home is to go backward in time,” the High ruler spoke,

“For something was planted in the core of your galaxy, before your race even knew of space travel.”

“When is that?” Nora asked the High ruler.

“Twenty Fourteen, on the day your homeworld’s moon, and the neighboring red planet, were the same brightness in the sky.”

So Nora and Hank left Ainuel, with passengers from the planet to guide them to the time portal. Hank began to talk to himself about if he thought this would work at all, and how it didn’t even matter. Nora was wondering what this portal was like, and what the year 2014 was all about.

After reaching this “portal”, Nora discovered it was a wormhole, the first she has ever encountered. So they sped through on their spaceship. Back to 2014.


So there they were, at the center of the Milky Way, in year 2014, the day it started to collapse. They found a strange space vessel, beetle shaped with seven horns on the back. It launched a tiny green dot toward the black hole.

“this is it!” Nora exclaimed, while Hank was doing nothing about it, instead, in his paranoid ways, started singing randomly.

So the Space elves and Nora came up with a plan to stop the green dot from reaching the super massive black hole. It would require a sacrifice.

“Hank! See that ball in the sky? Go to the escape pod and get it for me please!”

“Why do I need to do that? I don’t want to.”

“Well, would you do it for money?”


“would you do it for…. A Scooby snack?”

“Oh wow really? Okay, but don’t expect me to like it.”


So Hank gets into the escape pod, flies to the green dot and explodes. Nora and the Space elves go back to 2199, just in time for New years celebration!


And most of them lived happily ever after. A short while into the future, in a galaxy too familiar.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - "Animal Invention"

I bet you will be the next Ninja Warrior after you get the prototype for "Gecko hands", that's right, I said Gecko hands! Gecko hands are based off of the gecko obviously, you slip them on your hands and feet, and start climbing! You could be a cheater on Ninja Warrior as well! All you have to do is call the number you see on your screen now for your pre-release of the amazing Gecko Hands! You gat two sets of Gecko Hands for the price of one! Plus shipping and handling! You can scale any smooth surface with these! Even the windows of a skyscraper! Not recommended. You will be happy or you get your money back! Ages 13 and up. To order your pre release of Gecko Hands, call this number now! And get your regular $39.99 price for two sets of the Amazing Gecko Hands! Plus shipping and handling!

Call now!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - "Concert"

I am in a big concert in Knoxville, Tennessee. the Avett Brothers are playing their best songs. I cannot see them, because the other people are jumping up and down with their hands in the air listening to the awesome rhythm of Kick Drum Heart, plus there are a lot of tall people, and I am not that tall compared to some other people I know, especially my brother.
I hear a lot of screaming in between songs, and it is so deafening, that it rumbles in my chest at times. I feel the vibrations of the piano playing. Everything is good, until of course, two hours later and it's over. I brought some of my friends, even a teacher who likes the band, to listen with me. Now it's over, oh look! Here come my parents! gotta go bye!


Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - "Literary Character"

   If I could bring one character from a literary work out to the real world, I would choose Samurai Jack, for many reasons. His quest is pure, he has good morals, he learns from his mistakes. If he were to come to me and help with my troubles, I would probably learn to be a better person than I am now. Most of all, Samurai Jack never gives up. Instead, what happens is it makes him more determined to finish what he has started, to go back in time and undo Aku's future before it ever happens. Samurai Jack is a better person than most people I know. That is why I would bring him into this real world.

  If I were to bring him out into the real world though, he would notice that there are no more robots, everyone is human, and somehow everything became lower tech. He would be far more backward in time, but not near enough to undo an evil, Aku infested future.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22 - "Wacky Words"

There was some straw on the ground, it was spread inside the pound.
The dogs ran all around, when the straw went on the ground.
It was angry, it was aggravated!! When the dogs trampled it down!

Aggravated straw, aggravated straw! Nobody could hear when it shouted at the dogs!
Aggravated straw, aggravated straw! Lonely and mad it would lay down the law!

The straw on the ground, spread inside the pound, would make a plan when the dogs went bounding.
They would all stand up tall, inside those walls, and when the dogs came runnin' 'round...

That aggravated straw, aggravated straw! Splintered their paws and stabbed at their claws!
Aggravated straw, Aggravated straw!

Victory was won that aggravated day in the pound.


Jake was here

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - "Mystery lady"

The world may never know why that lady got her portrait done.. She finally had her dream, Plastic surgery. She didn't know what she looked like at first, then she realized after looking at that portrait, that finally she knew who was responsible for the horrific mess. The plastic surgeon had his son perform the operation on her entire body. Billy Franklin, who was only seven, had always wanted to perform plastic surgery on a person. His father had this same dream for him as well. Billy Franklin was a nobody in school, nobody ever remembered his name. He would always say to the other students, "My name's not Stephen, it's Billy Franklin!!!" so he decided to become a plastic surgeon so everyone would remember his name. He ended up making the mystery lady a monster. He tore off her original arms, and placed on her two hideous arms that looked like they came from some creature in an Elder Scrolls game.
Then he wanted to work on the nose, Billy always thought noses looked wrong the way they are now, so he tore it off and stuck it in her ear. Then it seems he placed another face on top of her ear! then he dressed her in colorful clothes that didn't fit at all. He wanted her to get her portrait done after she awoke. Once the painting was done, complete with a kitten in the background that was probably freaked out of its mind, She took a look in horror. Now everyone knows Billy Franklin as "Dr. Billy Franklinstein".

The end.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20 - "Alter ego"

Could you imagine if Clifford the Big Red Dog was real? in the books and cartoons, he is a good natured colossus of a dog. In real life he could be a radioactive mutant dog with red fur! Imagine the toys he would play with, they could be billboards and trees! How would you feed such a monster? How would you protect him from becoming some freaky lab experiment? The truth is, having such a big dog in the world would ruin the prosperity of your city. Big red hairs drop from the monstrosity's coat, you would be cleaning the furry neighborhoods nonstop! and eventually it would become too much when the Big Red Dog decides to use the skyscrapers as a fire hydrant. Eventually he would be locked up to prevent further destruction and hair shedding on the city. Not all children's stories are fun in real life, and that should be a lesson to kids all around the world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - "Scariest Place"

The scariest place on earth would be burning in hellfire, the dark corridors of the nightmarish place would be pitch black. In the center of the rooms are bright beams of light that burn when touched, and the souls of the dead surround you. Watching your every move, they wait for you to perish, and become one of them.
  Your eyes begin to fade as the dark rooms get even darker. Something creeps up from behind you with a menacing, muffled laugh. Large things crawl against your skin, small things come out of your skin. It is extremely painful, and you don't know what is happening because you are blinded.
  You find yourself in a large temple. Your vision slowly comes back, as you gaze into the white beam of light, you have the sudden urge to stand directly under it. You do just that. The light beam shatters as you step into it, your shadow slips away from the chains that bind it to you. Shadowy creatures, which have the smell of fear, ash, and rotten flesh, come closer to the beam of light. One arm from the mass of shadows creeps up to you, and pulls you underground, where you spend the rest of eternity. "You shouldn't have come" the souls are saying, and you drift into unconsciousness.
  You wake up in a small box, it smells of rotten wood. You claw at the ceiling desperately, but to no avail. The box just breaks and you are crushed by the weight of fiery soil, and you finally perish.

  Shadowy children with glowing yellow eyes dance around your grave, singing, and laughing. Their teeth are pointed like a shark's; they eat your body. Your soul cannot do anything but watch.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15- "Kindergarten"

The very first day of school happens in Kindergarten for most children, there was one child who didn't like the idea of school at all. Her name is Clara Smith, and she thinks school is a place to be dropped off and never return home. Clara was angered at her mother for bringing her to school, fussing and griping about how she was going to leave her. Her mother replies saying that everything will work out, but Clara is only five years old, and she didn't get the real meaning behind what her mother was saying. She thought of it as herself getting used to being abandoned at school.

  Clara fought the whole way to school, and when she was there, she stomped into the classroom. There was a boy in there about an inch shorter than her, and he welcomed her into the class. Clara wanted to know why his mom wanted to abandon him, the boy was confused, he replied with a big grin, with one front tooth missing, "Mommy loves me and she says she is picking me up at one!"

Clara was happy to hear he was going back home, so maybe she was going to go home too. she asked how old the boy is, he held up five fingers. One of them was bent a little, indicating a half, "I am almost five, I will be five- in... uh.." Clara noticed the younger kid was stuck on his words so she just said "Nevermind." and asked for his name. "My name is David" he said, and Clara told David her name.

It was nice meeting a new friend at the first day of school, and as their class moved on, they knew that they would be friends for a long time. And yes, they did get picked up by their parents, because parents know their kid will grow up to be a pain in the future.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14- "gross"

Chocolate Honey Comb cereal, the most disgusting invention that comes in a box, is similar to taking cud out of the mouth of a cow, lightly sprinkling it with chocolate powder and sticking it in your mouth. It is so cruelly horrible that you cannot swallow, instead it may gag you. Please, for your sake, do not try this "chocolate" cereal, it is most likely just ground up fish spine dyed brown and shaped like the original cereal that we know and love. It probably wasn't even made by the same people, it tastes like it was manufactured in a sewer, or hell. If Chocolate Honey Comb could talk, it would probably say things that would manipulate you into eating it. with pitiful wishes, like wanting to be the shooting star marshmallow in the box of Lucky Charms sitting next to it. Don't be fooled by the seemingly "chocolate" look of the picture on the box, it does not taste like Cocoa Puffs, or any chocolate cereal in the store. It was made out of pure hagfish slime and eggshells, and the leftover stuff you get at a hot-dog factory. There should always be a "Do not eat" label on the box of Chocolate Honey Comb cereal.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13- "Animal"

 My life began as a small, white shell, and all I could do was grow and change. When I finally realized the world around me, and crawled out of my sandy hole, I was unaware of what my life would be. Small, warm, and safe was my life in the egg in the land of Komodo, now I am running.

 My mother seemed to not know who I am; she sees me as another potential meal in her mind. so I swiftly head to the trees, I cling my small lizard claws to the shady tree, and as I scaled its height, I felt safe again. It was not for too long. As the larger lizard ,who I dare not call my mother anymore, paces around my tree, I began to feel a sensation in my stomach I have never felt. It was my first feeling of hunger.

 I knew that the larger lizard below was trying to eat me, so maybe I would try to eat something that moves and breathes like I do, but the one below just paced around the tree, drooling at my presence, I had to think of something. Just then, a small six legged creature landed on my branch, was it edible? I had to find out.

 I quickly snapped at the thing, it moved its large back legs around as I swallowed it, but I knew it was good to eat, because I felt no pain or poison. I looked around for more of these small creatures, and have found plenty. I guess life will be easier now that I am smarter.

  I am older, much bigger, and stronger than I was on my hatching day. My friends and I are going on a hunt. It will be long, and we need to be patient. I spotted the young of a large plant-eating creature, all by herself. We ran toward it in hope of a meal. As the Alpha, I told my friends to charge in first, to see if her mother was present. She was not. We grappled the youngling and bit at her weak spots near the head, she would be dead in less than a week.

  The young plant-eater was dead sooner than we had thought, we shared our meal equally to ensure our pack's survival. The life of the largest lizard is not easy, but with knowledge of what is around me, I have lived to see another day.