Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - "Mystery lady"

The world may never know why that lady got her portrait done.. She finally had her dream, Plastic surgery. She didn't know what she looked like at first, then she realized after looking at that portrait, that finally she knew who was responsible for the horrific mess. The plastic surgeon had his son perform the operation on her entire body. Billy Franklin, who was only seven, had always wanted to perform plastic surgery on a person. His father had this same dream for him as well. Billy Franklin was a nobody in school, nobody ever remembered his name. He would always say to the other students, "My name's not Stephen, it's Billy Franklin!!!" so he decided to become a plastic surgeon so everyone would remember his name. He ended up making the mystery lady a monster. He tore off her original arms, and placed on her two hideous arms that looked like they came from some creature in an Elder Scrolls game.
Then he wanted to work on the nose, Billy always thought noses looked wrong the way they are now, so he tore it off and stuck it in her ear. Then it seems he placed another face on top of her ear! then he dressed her in colorful clothes that didn't fit at all. He wanted her to get her portrait done after she awoke. Once the painting was done, complete with a kitten in the background that was probably freaked out of its mind, She took a look in horror. Now everyone knows Billy Franklin as "Dr. Billy Franklinstein".

The end.

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